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Background Group Policy Updates

Understanding the gpupdate Force Command for Windows

Background Group Policy Updates

Group policies are an essential part of managing network settings and security in Windows environments. They allow administrators to configure policies that apply to all computers within an organization. By default, Windows updates group policies every 90 minutes or upon computer reboot.

Force Refresh with gpupdate Force

In certain situations, you may need to force an update of group policies immediately. This can be achieved using the gpupdate force command. This command forces the update of all group policies applied by your company, regardless of whether they have changed or not.

Running gpupdate Force

To run the gpupdate force command, type the following into a command prompt window and hit Enter:

gpupdate /force

This command will force a background update of all Group Policy settings. It is important to note that this command does not require administrative privileges, but it will only apply to group policies that the user running the command has permission to access.

Additional Command Options

In addition to the /force option, there are additional options available with the gpupdate command. For example, you can use the /target option to specify a specific computer or OU to which you want to apply the update. You can also use the /wait option to force the computer to wait for the update to complete before continuing with other tasks.


The gpupdate force command is a powerful tool that can be used to force the update of group policies on Windows computers. This can be useful in situations where you need to immediately apply new policies or troubleshoot group policy issues. By understanding how to use this command effectively, administrators can ensure that their systems are always up-to-date with the latest policies.
